A downloadable set of three pictures

This was supposed to be an entry for the PIGSquad Finish Your Game Jam, but between overscoping and a bunch of stuff happening it never got finished (or started, really).

I even took a week off work to concentrate on the game but still got nothing done. Things which distracted me from working on the game include:

  • Fell ill with thought-was-covid-but-thankfully-was-just-a-sore-throat.
  • Bit my tongue so badly I thought I'd bitten a whole chunk off (but again was lucky... gosh it hurt, though)
  • One of my PCs broke down and I spent an afternoon fixing that
  • Fell ill again later in the week with food poisoning
  • An elevator in my apartment building broke down while I was in it
  • And now I think I might have covid again, this time from a close contact having it.

So all I've got to show are work-in-progress screenshots of some 3D assets. I also got bunch of writing and composing done, so it's not that bad, just nothing much to show.

The game is called CASE COD and I still plan to finish it. Maybe next year?