Two soldiers from opposing armies have fallen out of an airship - this is the conversation they have as they fall to certain death.

A VERY ROUGH and UNFINISHED prototype of an IF game made for PIGSquad's Narrative Summer Slow Jam. Expect bugs and weirdness! In particular:

  • the story is unfinished; some branches are heavily truncated/placeholder while others are missing altogether
  • sound seems to be broken?
  • there's no proper end state yet - you'll know you've reached an ending when they stop talking
  • no menus or title screen - press 'f' to toggle fullscreen and Alt+F4 to exit
  • some of the visual 'stage direction' stuff is missing, so if the dialogue refers to things that haven't actually happened, that's why
  • it's just unfinished and broken in general

This was an exercise in getting Ink working with Godot in a way where I could use it to replace the lousy home-grown dialogue system I've been using up to now. I've tried this and bounced off before, but  this time I got it working which is neat! 

Unfortunately I didn't have time to finish the game (had some IRL stuff conflict with the jam period (e.g I'm writing this at 3AM in a hotel and I need to check out in like five hours WHOOOPS.)


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