A PICO-8 port of robotfindskitten, adapted from the source code available at robotfindskitten.org.

Around 10% of the objects were removed to fit all the text into a PICO-8 cart, otherwise the whole game is there. 

The PICO-8 source code is really messy! There's no comments and some of the variables have confusingly short names - again, to fit it all in. Also, I tried to do some text compression stuff to cram in more descriptions, but this yielded extrememly minimal returns as PICO-8 compresses the text anyway. 

I've made the PICO-8 source available as requested by the original developers, but if you're interested in such things you're much better off looking at the original POSIX source which is much nicer. 


rfk_windows.zip 947 kB
robotfindskitten.app.zip 3.7 MB
rfk_linux.tar.bz2 538 kB
rfk_raspi.zip 738 kB
robotfindskitten.p8.png 29 kB
robotfindskitten.p8 45 kB